In 1966, we were among the first few companies in the world to place a social element at the core of its misson. Why? Because we have always wanted our growth to make sense. To make sense for our employees who show up every day. For our clients and suppliers who seek relationships based on shared values. For our shareholders, who want sustained long-term growth. And for the millions of people we serve who holds us accountable to have a positive impact every day.

Better Tomorrow 2025

Today, growing responsibly is about pursuing and tracking what we can do better, safer, healthier and more environmentally-friendly. It’s about improving the way we care for our employees, the food and services we provide, and the way we behave as a corporate citizen.

In 2009 when the time came to find a name for our corporate responsibility roadmap, one naturally stood out: Better Tomorrow Plan.

Because everything we do should add up to a better tomorrow. Better for the individuals we employ and serve. Better for our communities. Better for the world around us and the resources we all share.

Fast forward to today, Better Tomorrow 2025 now propels our action and frames our progress on the most material issues that are either impacting what we do, or inversely, on which we can have an impact.

Responsible Business Conduct & Ethics

Diversity and inclusion

Responsible Sourcing

Healthy Diets

Responsible Resource Usage

Stop Hunger

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